Driver Qualification File Maintenance Service
Avoid Costly Fines! Whether your files need clean-up, or you need help setting up your files, Vagans Inc. can help you get your DQ files into compliance!
Many people believe that a valid CDL automatically qualifies a driver to operate a commercial motor vehicle… and this is most definitely NOT the case. Prior to operating any commercial motor vehicle of at least 10,000 lbs, your drivers must complete a pre-employment drug screen as well as other pre-employment requirements, and then your company has 30 days to complete the Driver’s Qualification (DQ) file. Failure to follow these regulations can result in costly fines!
Our Service Features:
- All Driver Qualification Forms are Supplied to You Pre-Printed with Your Company and Driver Information
- Vagans Inc. Audits Your Driver Files and Assists You in Achieving Compliance on Your Existing Files
- Background Checks are Available for Your New Hires
- Our Service Tracks Your Drivers and We Assist You to Reach Your Monthly Compliance Requirements
- Vagans Inc. Offers a Number of Training Options
Fast & Easy Notification
Prompt notification of your compliance issues can be delivered to you by your choice of email, fax, text message, or telephone.
Permanent Recordkeeping
Your permanent record files are given to you on your choice of convenient CD’s or DVD’s.
Immediately Useful Reports
We provide you with a variety of reports and letters to track your drivers’ compliance, make updating your files easy, as well as keep auditable records. You receive the following:
✔ Monthly Updated Drivers List
✔ Monthly Compliance Update Report
✔ Missing Information Alerts
Did You Know….?
Even drivers that are exempt from using a daily logbook may need to have DQ files?
That the expiration of any of your drivers’ qualifying documents could expose your company to fines and penalties?
Call us today and get your driver qualification file compliance worries behind you!
Vagans Inc
Fast. Accurate. Affordable.